Now that Phil and I are 'grown-up adults,' we can't believe how quickly time is passing us by! It seems like we just got married and moved down here a few weeks ago and when we realize that we've been in our apartment for 2 months, we can't believe it. It has been such a great experience thus far and we are so blessed with all of the opportunities and adventures that have come our way. While we are beginning to miss winter and real cold weather (down here, people don't know what to do when the temperature goes below 50), but we're both holding out hope that we'll be able to experience a white Christmas :)
Phil hit a milestone this week as he celebrated his one year anniversary with the City of Midland. He's been very busy at work and this week, he was the lucky guy to go in three hours before his shift to help oversee the construction project that was taking place during the nights. Both of us were very glad that he only had to get up a few mornings at 3am in order to make it there in time. Another thing that we're thankful of is that he is back to the day shift, so for the first time since I started working, we are both home around the same time in the afternoon, which means that we actually get to see each other when both of us are awake! This week, he's working a grueling 9-day stretch, so I don't think he'll be too happy when I drag him out of bed on his first day off (Black Friday). All in the name of love, I guess!
I also can't believe that I have finished my first four weeks at the school. There have been so many emotional rollercoasters during that time, but I think I am finally getting the hang of it all and the kids are getting used to my presence in the classroom. The only downfall is that since they are getting more attached to me, I am getting attacked by their germs. I finally am starting to feel better after battling multiple symptoms for the past 3 weeks. But, now that I'm almost in the clear, Phil has finally been attacked. I think we'll be sharing germs and diseases for the next year. I have to say that the best part of working with the kids is hearing the nicknames that they come up with. I thought that it would be easier for them to have 'Mrs. Tiedeman' instead of 'Ms. Chmielewski,' but they have proved me wrong. One of the little boys couldn't pronounce my name correctly after trying a few times to say it, so he just decided to call me 'Mrs. Cinnamon!' Well, the other kids have started to hear him call me that, so they put together cinnmamon and toast, so one student introducted me to his mom as 'Mrs. Toaster.' Oh goodness! Needless to say, I think I'll be letting them call me 'Mrs. Katie' when we return from Thanksgiving break :)
Everything else is also falling into place. We've found a church that we both enjoy and while it's a little bit smaller than we had hoped (congregation is about 40 people), we think it will provide us with an opportunity to get to know people on a more personal basis and we'll be able to provide a younger person's perspective (the majority of the congregation is middle-aged). The other night, we went out with a few friends and enjoyed (well, at least watched) the Odessa Jackalopes hockey game. Hockey down south just isn't the same as up north! But, it was fun to be back in an ice arena, so I think we'll be going to more games in the future.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!